
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Root Beer Float Fudge: Soda Shop Favorite

This fantastic recipe came to me via another blogger (thanks, Aimee at Schugary Sweets!) and I immediately thought it would be the perfect choice to share after our deliciously nostalgic trip to Zaharakos Ice Cream Parlor and Museum yesterday.

I also thought it would be the perfect thing to send to my Mum before she went into the hospital for treatment last week, so all these tasty little squares of fudge got wrapped up and shipped off to New York - well, all but one or two (for quality control purposes, of course!), and those one or two were delicious!

This recipe is packed with great, old-fashioned root-beer flavor and is so simple that it takes the all measuring and guess work out of candy-making. I think it would make a great base recipe for experimenting with other flavors (maple? almond? peppermint? butterscotch?). It is incredibly sweet, so don't be afraid to cut your pieces up small and serve it slightly chilled for the most authentic root beer float experience!

Root Beer Float Fudge
original recipe here

3 cups granulated sugar
3/4 cup butter
1 cup heavy cream
pinch of salt
3 cups white chocolate chips
1 1/2 cups marshmallow cream
3 teaspoons root beer extract

Line a 9x13-inch baking dish with parchment paper. Set aside.

In a large saucepan over low heat, stir sugar, butter, salt and cream until melted and well combined. Bring to a boil and stir continuously for 4 minutes.

Remove saucepan from heat and quickly stir in white chocolate chips and marshmallow creme. Stir until well combined and smooth. Mixture may be thick so don't be afraid to stir hard for a couple of minutes!

Working quickly before the mixture hardens, pour half into the prepared baking dish and spread with a knife or spatula. Stir root beer extract into remaining fudge mixture until well combined. Pour over white fudge and swirl the two layers using a knife. Refrigerate at least four hours. Cut into small squares and enjoy cold or room temperature.

A few notes: The recipe, as written, must make a huge batch because even a half recipe produced lots and lots of delicious fudge! The half recipe uses the better part of a 12-ounce bag of white chocolate chips and makes just enough to pour into an 8x8-inch dish. To ship the fudge, I wrapped each individual piece in wax paper - I thought this gave them a cute, old-fashioned look. Apparently they didn't fare too well in the heat, but since they were individually wrapped, this was easily fixed by firming them up in the fridge for a few hours. I personally think they taste best cold, anyway!

This post is linked at:
Skip to My Lou: Made By You Monday
The Saturday Evening Pot: MaFF Monday
Delightfully Dowling: Mangia Mondays
Pinch of This, That & the Other: Whisking Wednesdays 
Lady Behind the Curtain: Cast Party Wednesday
Blue Cricket Design: Show and Tell Wednesday
Polka Dots on Parade: Wow Me Wednesday
Remodelaholic: Recipe Link Up
Something Swanky: Sweet Treats Thursday
It's a Keeper: It's a Keeper Thursday
Miz Helen's Country Cottage: Full Plate Thursday
Simply Sweet Home: Friday Favorites
Designs by Gollum: Foodie Friday
EKat's Kitchen: Friday Potluck
Creation Corner: Friday Link Party
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: Flaunt It Friday
Sweet as Sugar Cookies: Sweets for a Saturday
A Well-Seasoned Life: Sweet Indulgences Sunday


  1. This looks awesome! I have all of the ingredients for it too!

  2. Yowza - I'm not a fudge fan, but I might actually like this recipe! Looks utterly fabulous!!


  3. ButterYum - I don;t usually eat much fudge either, but this stuff is good. Dangerously good!

  4. I love fudge, and my son loves root beer floats. I can't wait to try this!!! Looks great!

  5. What a beautiful fudge! I love the swirl of brown and white and I love the way you put them in the Mason jar. Your photography is great. Thanks for sharing on Sweet Indulgences Sunday.

  6. What a great fudge recipe. This will be in many gift boxes from me for the holidays. It looks delicious! Hope you are having a great week end and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  7. Looks yummy! My four year old loves root beer! I definitely have to try this one.

  8. This looks wonderful. I linked to you from Sweet Indulgences Sunday. I am definitely making this. Thank you!

  9. Oh my gosh, I would devour that fudge so quickly. Thanks for linking up to Sweets for a Saturday.

  10. YUM! I LOVE your recipe! Would you come over to CAST PARTY WEDNESDAY tomorrow and share your recipe with us?
    I hope to see you there!

  11. YUM. I love root beer, and fudge so this sounds delicious!

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog!! :D

  12. Can I say Yummy!!!! Those sound delicious! I will be trying this recipe! Thank you!

  13. Oh this sounds so good! This will be on my Christmas sweets list this year!!!

  14. How fun! I think I'll try this for Christmas.

  15. I have never heard of this flavor before but it sounds just divine. Yum! I am a new follower from Blue Cricket Design. Vicky @

  16. So glad everyone's enjoying the recipe! Check out Aimee's blog for her other great ideas :)

  17. That looks AMAZING! So gorgeous! I would love to try making this! Thanks for the recipe! And thank you very much for sharing this @ Show & Share! I'm sure many of my readers enjoyed seeing this. :)

  18. Hi! Stopping by again to let you know that your beautiful fudge was #1 on Sweet Indulgences Sunday last week. Hope you'll stop by again and share a recipe!

  19. This looks amazing! Please link us with us on Tuesday Evening:

  20. I just made this for a bake sale I am participating in. I didn't have root beer extract, so I used root beer flavor instead. I think it worked out well, but I had to use quite a bit more.
