
Friday, February 10, 2012

10 Valentine Card Ideas

Have you sorted your gift for your sweetheart yet? Valentine's Day is right around the corner  - kids are already bringing home fistfuls of tiny heart-shaped notes and pretty soon every long-stemmed red rose in every gas station in the state will be worth its weight in gold. Yesterday, I shared a fun scratch-off Valentine card idea, but if that's not your cup of tea (or piece of cardstock - hehe) here are a few more ideas that might do the trick!

I Love Ewe: This is one of my favorites, even if it is a little goofy. Made from cardstock covered with torn construction paper. The sheep is made of wadded cotton wool.

Scrabble 'I Picked a Good One': I used special Scrabble stickers for this one, but you could easily make your own with some tan card stock and a fine-tipped pen.

'I'm hooked': The background for this card was clipped from a magazine, but you could use a photo or colored construction paper. Hand-drawn fish are just as cute, too (but don't forget to draw the hook!)

Missing You: For the absent Valentine, like Matt this year (he's away doing field training). Colored construction paper and a few heart stickers are all that's needed.

Valentine Cipher: Hide your message in a jumble of letters and then provide a cover sheet to your secret love. Just be sure they know which way to apply the sheet (matching stickers on the top corner are one solution) Because everyone likes a bit of mystery, right?

Hey Cutie: Because no one can resist a smiling, zippered orange (you have to admit, it's 'cute'). Clip this 'cutie' from a box of fruit. Bonus: clementines for weeks!

I want S'more: For the food lover's lover. It's also a great excuse for using to-die-for food photos! A brown-paper background makes it campfirey and authentic.

Like Cookie and Milk: There are lots of ways you can do this one, and they're all sweet and delicious!

Ransom note: Not to be confused with the creepy, awful kind - this is a fun way to let your sweetheart know you'd like to whisk them away.

'A Waffle Lot': For the Valentine you love more than breakfast food (which, if you're anything like me, is saying a lot!).

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  1. Love the Scrabble letters. I totally play Scrabble and Words with Friends, so I'll have to use this on my husband.

    1. My husband proposed to me with Scrabble letters so they have a special meaning for us, too!

  2. What great ideas! Happy Valentines Day! Following now & on linky if you want to follow back. Pat

    1. Thanks so much for visiting - I'll be stopping by!

  3. I love the sheep card, what a great idea, I just thought of how I didn't want to buy a card for the hubby this year, well because it just gets thrown away, I may as well throw that $3 I spent in the garbage~ I'm going to have to make a home made one this year!! :)

    1. I know what you mean - cards have gotten so expensive! I always think that handmade ones are a little more significant, anyway. Have fun making yours!

  4. These are great. I love your ideas and it's nice to have options that haven't been done over and over again. I would love it if you shared at our Link It Up Thursday party going on until Monday.

  5. I'm so glad you made it to the party (you've been busy).

  6. These are all so adorable!! Love the "EWE" one!! ;)

  7. Ohhh my goodness what cute cute cute cards!!!!! Thank you so much for the great inspiration! I am going to have to remember these! Thank you so much for the great inspiration and for linking up!!!
    Jaime from crafty scrappy happy

  8. You have the cutest card ideas!! LOVE all of them, but "I love ewe" is one of my favorites!! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!
