
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A New Look!

Regular readers of The Traveling Spoon may notice that things look a little different today. I promised you a redesign as part of my New Year's resolutions and, while it's still a work in progress, I think I've made a good start. Gone is the rust-colored background (very 1970s) and the Moroccan tagine photo border (I'll admit I was partial to that photo, but it's time to move on). Instead, I'm aiming for something a little more clean and crisp.

I'll be the first to admit that I know nothing about blog design. In fact, I'm pretty stone age when it comes to computer skills in general. Matt always laughs at my two-finger typing (some of us weren't fortunate enough to have computer classes in high school and, anyway, it gets the job done), and before I started this blog, I thought HTML was a shortened version of Hotmail (okay, I might be fudging the truth a little - I knew what HTML was, but you can be sure I couldn't understand it!).

For this reason, my new design isn't very adventurous. But I'm learning, and I expect the blog to grow with me. Of course, I wouldn't have managed nearly so well without the help of My Memories Suite digital scrapbooking software. Yesterday, I mentioned that the software was for much more than scrapbooking, and this blog redesign is another example of what it can do.

In case you haven't noticed, I have a giveaway going on at the moment, so if you're interested in some fun easy-to-use software to help you get your photos in order, re-vamp your blog or perhaps create a few cute Valentine's printables, head on over to the giveaway and enter!