
Friday, February 3, 2012 GFC?

Hi again, folks. I guess today is an admin day, because I've got another bit of blog news to relate.

As many of you have probably heard, Google Friend Connect is going away for all non-Blogger blogs in March. This is sad news, especially for older blogs with a more established following, but there is a ray of sunshine - and it's called Linky Followers.

You'll notice that I have a new little follower widget on the right hand column...and you can have one, too! Just head on over to their website and sign up for their FREE service. Then you can start re-following all your favorite blogs with no need to panic, come March. So what are you waiting for?

For more info on how the new program works, check out this informative post at It's So Very Cheri.

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  1. I wanted to let you know I just signed up to follow you and would really appreciate it if you would come over and follow my new LINKY FOLLOWER tool.


    XO XO,
